Thursday, June 6, 2013

Having Fun With Glass

Can you tell that I've got Father's Day on my mind? :)

I really like using scraps of glass and finding something to make with them.
I seem to alternate between making faces/people and doing abstract patterns. Both types get turned into magnets. (I just love magnets. I don't believe you can ever have too many. Now I just have to find customers who feel the same way!)

Scott, on the other hand, is far more ambitious than I am when it comes to glass projects. His first project just blew me away.

We have donated this piece to the Northwest Skating Foundation to be raffled off during this month's regional skating competition.

And while the skating piece was undergoing its three tack fuses, he launched a second project that he calls "Warm Squares" and I call "The Lattice Project." It came out awesome, don't you think?

Meanwhile, since the skating plate was incredibly popular when we brought it to the rink to donate, Scott has launched into making a second one that would be entered into a silent auction to raise money for our skating club.

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